Lee Hennings and Bernard Graddy - 1969. A Dynamic Duo! |
Nha Trang - 1969 Some agoin' and some acomin' to MACV Recondo
School. From the left: Walter Kraft, Charlie Hasty, Sam Jones, Rex McElroy, George
Richardson & Dan Roberts. Turner Harvell behind Hasty. |
Anthony Vaughn. George says you can tell by the smile that he was
comin' out, not goin' in! |
This Cav taxi just dropped six fares off at Phouc Vinh. It's
cheaper when you travel in groups. Thanks for the ride, 1st Team! |
Need a little help here. On the left is Roy Hatfield. Stan Lento
on the right. Is the man in the middle Daniel Arnold, KIA May 13, 1969? |
Standing, L to R, Dev Cochrane, Leo Rabago, Lee Fix.
Kneeling, Lou Carista and Sherman Tiller |
Platoon Sergeant-Lou Carista |
John Bedford and KCS Tahn |
William Blanchard-1969 |
Two Bobs! On the left is Bob Larson and Bob Gill on the right. |
George Kennedy, James Plisch and Marshall Lumley practicing IA
drills. |
LRRP/Ranger Extraordinaire, David McWilliams. You are missed
by everyone who knew you. |
Kit Carson Scout Extraordinaire, Phu |
Wayne Kingston, ? , Bob Jordan Need a little
help here. |
Brock Newton hold a trap meant to disable soldiers--sharpened
nails dipped in human waste. Simple and effective! |
Ron Mello. In the back is the Recondo School mess hall. |
Ron Mello, Jon Parquette and Charles Ashley in Sun City, An Khe,
Oct. 68 |
Sunday at Recondo School--Steaks on the barbie! |