Back row, left to right: John Bedford, Steve Curtis, Kit Carson scout, and
Mike Blymer |
Doug Sterner and Jaime Pacheco in front of our infamous sign-1972 |
From back left: Harry Elston, Guy McConnell, Bill Elliot
Front: from left: Phu and Chuck Windham |
Back row, left to right: Harry Elston, III, Bernard Graddy, Bruce
Judkins Kneeling l to r: David McWilliams and William Jones |
The Short and Long of it! Phu and "Wild Bill" Elliot |
Jaime Pacheco onboard Slick--1972 |
1969 From left: Mike Brennan, Michael Germany, Dan Roberts, Stan Edwards,
Bruce Judkins, Haas, Mike Carroll, and ? and Robert Tacadina in front |
Volleyball -- Jungle Rules! |
William Jones and Ernie Squire, Jr. in front of 1st Platoon
barracks -- 1969 |
Phil Bailey displays evidence of a close encounter. A bullet through the canteen on one side and another through the ammo pouch on the other side of
his web gear. Yes, he was wearing it at the time! |
Phil Bailey, Paul "Pharoh" Alfaro and "Spanky" Seymour try to increase their take-home pay. I'd think twice before getting into a game with Paul. |
Charles "Windy" Windham -- 1969 |
From the left: Lewis Davison, William Blanchard, Phu, Harry Elston |
Harry kind of snapped one day! |
10 minutes before this picture was taken this was a perfectly suitable latrine. A VC rocket simultaneously decreased supply and increased demand for
latrines! |
Jaime Pacheco --"Sit Rep" -- 1972 |
Grover Davis, Bruce Judkins and Danny Terrio -- 1969 Never
could get those boys to wash their faces! |
From left: Standing, unknown, Little John Hardesty, Richard Turbitt (KIA 4/68, Signal Hill A Shau Valley), Bill Hand, Ron Bitticks, Unknown, Don Van Hook and Tom Ford. Photo from Tom Ford via e-mail! |
Some boys in this 1st of the 9th barracks should have headed for the bunker when the siren sounded last night. |
Bruce Judkins with Jerry Price (1SG) and Jim Regan (Plt SG) |
From Clint Voorhees-via e-mail-Back from left-Harrin, Voorhees, Cesario Lizarraga Front from left-Williams, Joy and Doug Matze |
The 1st Sergeant's business card. It's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way! |
From left: Rangers, Henry Avilla, Joe Whitsitt and ? Photo courtesy of Stan Freeborn. Taken in late 1972. |
On left is Joe Whitsitt. Man with no shirt holding beer is Gilbert Ramirez. The man to Gil's left was an airman at the base. Who are the other Rangers? Photo from Stan Freeborn, 1972 |